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发布者: [发表时间]:2017-12-14 [来源]: [浏览次数]:


2006年在美国加州大学伯克利分校(University of California,Berkeley)分子与细胞生物学系(Department of Molecular & Cell Biology)取得博士学位,2007-2012年在美国Salk Institute从事博士后研究。2012年底回国,在中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院担任研究员,同年入选中组部“青年”计划。2014年1月受聘为华中科技大学太阳集团0638教授。近年承担了国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目等,主要研究方向包括:神经可塑性与学习和记忆、情感和记忆的神经环路、调控成体神经干细胞发育和功能的神经机制,在PNAS,eLife,Neuron,Nature Neuroscience,Journal of Neuroscience,Cell,Nature等期刊发表论文20余篇。






1.SoJH,HuangC,GeM,CaiG,ZhangL,LuY,MuY.Intense exercise promotes adult hippocampal neurogenesis but not spatial discrimination.Front Cell Neurosci, 11(13), 2017.

2.Du H, Deng W, Aimone JB, Ge M, Parylak S, Walch K, Zhang W, Cook J, Song H, Wang L, Gage FH, Mu Y. Dopaminergic inputs in the dentate gyrus direct the choice of memory encoding.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A113, E5501-10, 2016.

3.Mu Y, Zhao C, Toni N, Yao J, Gage FH. Distinct roles of NMDA receptors at different stages of granule cell development in the adult brain.Elife4, e07871, 2015.

4.Mu Y, Zhao C, Gage FH. Dopaminergic modulation of cortical inputs during maturation of adult-born dentate granule cells.J Neurosci31, 4113-23, 2011.

5.Mu Y, Poo M. Spike timing-dependent LTP/LTD mediates visual experience-dependent plasticity in a developing retinotectal system.Neuron50, 115-25, 2006.

6.Lien CC*, Mu Y*, Vargas-Caballero M, Poo M. Visual stimuli-induced LTD of GABAergic synapses mediated by presynaptic NMDA receptors.Nat Neurosci9, 372-80, 2006 (* equally contributed).

7.Shu S, Zhu H, Tang N, Chen W, Li X, Li H, Pei L, Liu D, Mu Y, Tian Q, Zhu L, Lu Y. Selective Degeneration of Entorhinal-CA1 Synapses in Alzheimer's disease via Activation of DAPK1.J Neurosci36:10843-52, 2016.

8.Pei L, Mu Y, Leblanc M, Alaynick W, Barish GD, Pankratz M, Tseng TW, Kaufman S, Liddle C, Yu RT, Downes M, Pfaff SL, Auwerx J, Gage FH, Evans RM. Dependence of hippocampal function on ERRγ-regulated mitochondrial metabolism.Cell Metab21, 628-36, 2015.

9.Yang F, Liu Y, Tu J, Wan J, Zhang J, Wu B, Chen S, Zhou J, Mu Y, Wang L. Activated astrocytes enhance the dopaminergic differentiation of stem cells and promote brain repair through bFGF.Nat Commun5, 5627, 2014.

10.Wang X, Zhao Y, Zhang X, Badie H, Zhou Y, Mu Y, Loo LS, Cai L, Thompson RC, Yang B, Chen Y, Johnson PF, Wu C, Bu G, Mobley WC, Zhang D, Gage FH, Ranscht B, Zhang YW, Lipton SA, Hong W, Xu H. Loss of sorting nexin 27 contributes to excitatory synaptic dysfunction by modulating glutamate receptor recycling in Down's syndrome.Nat Med19, 473-80, 2013.

11.Giorgetti A, Marchetto MC, Li M, Yu D, Fazzina R, Mu Y, Adamo A, Paramonov I, Cardoso JC, Monasterio MB, Bardy C, Cassiani-Ingoni R, Liu GH, Gage FH, Izpisua Belmonte JC. Cord blood-derived neuronal cells by ectopic expression of Sox2 and c-Myc.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A109, 12556-61, 2012.

12.Israel MA, Yuan SH, Bardy C, Reyna SM, Mu Y, Herrera C, Hefferan MP, Van Gorp S, Nazor KL, Boscolo FS, Carson CT, Laurent LC, Marsala M, Gage FH, Remes AM, Koo EH, Goldstein LS. Probing sporadic and familial Alzheimer's disease using induced pluripotent stem cells.Nature482, 216-20, 2012.

13.Coufal NG, Garcia-Perez JL, Peng GE, Marchetto MC, Muotri AR, Mu Y, Carson CT, Moran JV, Gage FH. Ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) modulates long interspersed element-1 (L1) retrotransposition in human neural stem cells.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A108, 20382-7, 2011.

14.Brennand KJ, Simone A, Jou J, Gelboin-Burkhart C, Tran N, Sangar S, Li Y, Mu Y, Chen G, Yu D, McCarthy S, Sebat J, Gage FH. Modelling schizophrenia using human induced pluripotent stem cells.Nature473, 221-5, 2011.

15.Marchetto MC, Carromeu C, Acab A, Yu D, Yeo GW, Mu Y, Chen G, Gage FH, Muotri AR. A model for neural development and treatment of Rett syndrome using human induced pluripotent stem cells.Cell143, 527-39, 2010.

16.Coufal NG, Garcia-Perez JL, Peng GE, Yeo GW, Mu Y, Lovci MT, Morell M, O´Shea KS, Moran JV, Gage FH. L1 Retrotransposition in Human Neural Progenitor Cells.Nature460, 1127-31, 2009.

17.Marchetto MC, Muotri AR, Mu Y, Smith AM, Ceza GG, Gage FH. Non-cell-autonomous effect of human SOD1 G37R astrocytes on motor neurons derived from human embryonic stem cells.Cell Stem Cell3, 649-57, 2008.